
Fictional Reality, Sino-French Digital Art Exhibition

By Chen Nan ( ) Updated: 2014-06-03 14:18:16

Fictional Reality, Sino-French Digital Art Exhibition

French artist Damien Aspe's artwork is displayed at AV@AR exhibition to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of memorializing the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. Photo provided to

Fictional Reality, Sino-French Digital Art Exhibition
Versailles celebrates Sino-French friendship
Fictional Reality, Sino-French Digital Art Exhibition
 Exhibition displays individual portrayals of happiness
On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of memorializing the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, an exhibition, AV@AR, which gathers 14 pieces of digital art works from both Chinese and French artists, is ongoing at CMoDA (China Millennium Monument Museum of Digital Arts) in Beijing.

Under the theme of Creative Future, the exhibition includes three sections: a multimedia exhibition, an audiovisual programme, and an interactive music video lounge.

According to Nicolas Rosette, the curator from France, AV refers to audio and visual while AR refers to advance reality.

"AV@AR refers to the changes in digital production, expression and a new, advanced way of seeing the world," he says.

Led by artists such as Antoine Schmitt, Wang Chengliang and Shi Danqing, the multimedia exhibition explores the evolution of the interactive experience, including light, volcanoes, the origin of human being, tribes, society, and cities.

The audiovisual programme consists of short films from, whilst the interactive music video lounge provides a multi-screen environment that seeks to engage the audience in new ways.

From June 1 to 22. At China Millennium Monument Museum of Digital Arts. No. 9A, Fuxing Lu (Road), North Gate, China Millennium Monument, Haidian District, Beijing.

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