
Dressing up the wedding

By Zhou Wenting ( Shanghai Star ) Updated: 2014-07-11 11:01:30

Dressing up the wedding

Lu Wenbin's miniature bridal gowns and men's morning suits make a fabulous addition to the wedding reception table and a charming keepsake. Photo provided to Shanghai star

"We hope the brides and grooms and the guests at the wedding would all see the beauty of the gowns on the bottle, rather than just consider it a wrapping for the bottle," Lu says.

Lu's company offers tailored-to-fit services to cater to every whim and fantasy of the bride, and to make sure the designs fit her chosen theme for her own gown and the wedding decor.

Now that's attention to detail.


If you want the wine bottles at your nuptials dressed up, here’s where to find them:


Telephone: 400-639-6612

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Dressing up the wedding


Dressing up the wedding


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