
Ai Jing to present multimedia art

By Chen Nan ( ) Updated: 2015-05-06 15:32:16

Ai Jing to present multimedia art

Working in the sun #1 by Ai Jing. Photo provided to China Daily

Chinese artist Ai Jing will hold her exhibition, Dialogues, at the Ambrosian Art Gallery of the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana Museum in Milan, Italy. The exhibition will be held from June 5 to Sep 5 this year.

Curated by Chen Lusheng, the Deputy Director of the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC), the exhibition in Milan is the third stop of Ai's touring exhibition, which follows her exhibitions at the NAMOC and the Art Museum of China in Shanghai.

In this exhibition, Ai will present works with industrial, natural, and technological themes. The works aim to display the ability of art to connect East and West in a cultural and religious way, and Ai will create a "dialogue" through her works with the selected masterpieces at the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana Museum, which is known for its collection of the 12 manuscripts by Leonardo da Vinci.

Ai Jing to present multimedia art

Working in the sun #2 by Ai Jing. Photo provided to China Daily

In her sound installation work, To Da Vinci, Ai, who was a former pop singer-songwriter, creates a piece of music and a mechanical model made of gears, which is based on the Portrait of a Musician by Leonardo da Vinci.

Her new series of oil paintings, titled Walking in the Sun, was inspired by the 16th century master Jan Brueghel, in particular with his work Vase of Flowers with Jewelry, coins and shell.

She also created a sculptural work through 3-D printing in the shape of praying hands using her own hands as models. Titled Ai Pray, the artist pays tribute to the sculpture Pray by artist Micotti in the permanent collection of the Ambrosian Art Gallery of the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana Museum.


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