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Sany Heavy Industry Pays over 2.6 billion to Merge the German "Elephant"

2012-02-06 14:16:47 来源:中新网
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By Liu shuangshuang

Updated :2012-02-06

According to the report of China News Express, Sany Heavy Industry, whose headquarters is in Changsha, has confirmed in Jan, 31st that, Sany and its shareholders as Chinese Credit Fund, jointly buy 100% shares of the global concrete mechanic giant Putzmeister which was so called the "elephant". It is said the first example of the merge of German small and medium major manufacture industry and Chinese industry. And the new leader of global concrete field comes out.

According to the announcement of Sany Heavy Industry, its sub company Sany German Limited Company will join Chinese Credit Industrial Investment Fund (Hongkong) to pay 360 million Europe dollars to buy the whole shares of Putzmeister., of which Sany German Company buys 90%, and the Chinese Credit Fund buys 10%. Sany German Company 's bill is 324 million Europe dollars( about 2.654 billion RMB dollars).

Putzmeister was founded in 1958 which was the one of the most famous engineering mechanic industrial business, especially in the concrete pump truck manufacturing field, whose market holding percent is always at the top of the world. As the leader of the domastic concrete industry, Sany is also the most largest concrete mechanic manufacturing industry. These two company had worked together in the Japan earthquake, and alway been the challenging oponents in the world.

This trade opens the door of the first merge of German famous medium company and Chines company. The president of Sany Xiang Wenbo said that we both harvested much through the cooperation. The global selling network that Sany has been improved offers distinctive competitive previlige for Putzmeister and garantees its development vista. And at the same time, Sany will get the skillful products made in German and its creativity, which fulfills the combination of products and also strengthens the global selling and service network.

According to the introduction of Xiang Wenbo, after the merge, Aichtal in German will be the head of the Putzmeister, which will be new head of the overseas Sany concrete mechanic industry. Putzmeister will keep the highly indepent daily operation. And Sany Heavy Industry will still stress on the opening up the domestic medium and low market. Putzmeister will keep its position in the high market. The original CEO Norbert Scheuch will be the Sany Heavy Industrial CEO. At the same time, Xiang Wenbo promised that he would not fire the local staff.

The founder of Putzmeister Karl Schlecht who presented the release conference said that, it is an example of Chinese-German trade, and he was glad to give the "elephant" to Sany whose holds the same operation faith and be employed as the senior consultant. The entire interests of the trade will donate to the Karl Schlecht Fund.

This trade still needs the commitment of some concerning departments and to meet the dealing conditions. The deal will be completed in the first season of 2012. The high level leader of Sany is confident about the commitment.

Present in the Macao Jornal Cheng Pou, Feb, 1st .

Edited by limin and fan minwen

编辑: 张少虎 标签: sany
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