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Disabled man opens embroidery workshop in C. China's Hunan

2013-10-24 16:44:17 来源:xinhuanet
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Disabled man opens embroidery workshop in C. China's Hunan

22-year-old Jiang Tongwan sits at his embroidery workshop in the town of Jinggang near Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, Oct. 11, 2013. Jiang, graduated from Hunan Arts and Crafts Vocational College, is the co-founder of a newly-established embroidery workshop in the ancient town of Jinggang. The physical disability resulted from a childhood disease didn't cast shadow on his ambition of starting his own business. He started learning Hunan embroidery, traditionally considered as a skill for women, in college in 2010, when the school began to recruit male students. After graduation, Jiang rent a store with his classmate Huang Jinyu to start their embroidery workshop. Jiang wished that it is not only a place for selling his embroidery but also a gallery of excellent embroidery works from other folk artists.

Disabled man opens embroidery workshop in C. China's Hunan

22-year-old Jiang Tongwan (front) looks at the design of his yet-to-open embroidery workshop in the town of Jinggang near Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, July 16, 2013. Jiang, graduated from Hunan Arts and Crafts Vocational College, is the co-founder of a newly-established embroidery workshop in the ancient town of Jinggang. The physical disability resulted from a childhood disease didn't cast shadow on his ambition of starting his own business. He started learning Hunan embroidery, traditionally considered as a skill for women, in college in 2010, when the school began to recruit male students. After graduation, Jiang rent a store with his classmate Huang Jinyu to start their embroidery workshop. Jiang wished that it is not only a place for selling his embroidery but also a gallery of excellent embroidery works from other folk artists.

Disabled man opens embroidery workshop in C. China's Hunan

22-year-old Jiang Tongwan works at his embroidery workshop in the town of Jinggang near Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, Oct. 11, 2013. Jiang, graduated from Hunan Arts and Crafts Vocational College, is the co-founder of a newly-established embroidery workshop in the ancient town of Jinggang. The physical disability resulted from a childhood disease didn't cast shadow on his ambition of starting his own business. He started learning Hunan embroidery, traditionally considered as a skill for women, in college in 2010, when the school began to recruit male students. After graduation, Jiang rent a store with his classmate Huang Jinyu to start their embroidery workshop. Jiang wished that it is not only a place for selling his embroidery but also a gallery of excellent embroidery works from other folk artists.

Disabled man opens embroidery workshop in C. China's Hunan

22-year-old Jiang Tongwan does embroidery work at his workshop in the town of Jinggang near Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, Oct. 11, 2013. Jiang, graduated from Hunan Arts and Crafts Vocational College, is the co-founder of a newly-established embroidery workshop in the ancient town of Jinggang. The physical disability resulted from a childhood disease didn't cast shadow on his ambition of starting his own business. He started learning Hunan embroidery, traditionally considered as a skill for women, in college in 2010, when the school began to recruit male students. After graduation, Jiang rent a store with his classmate Huang Jinyu to start their embroidery workshop. Jiang wished that it is not only a place for selling his embroidery but also a gallery of excellent embroidery works from other folk artists.

Disabled man opens embroidery workshop in C. China's Hunan

22-year-old Jiang Tongwan does his graduation embroidery in class of Hunan Arts and Crafts Vocational College in Yiyang, central China's Hunan Province, May 23, 2013. Jiang, graduated from Hunan Arts and Crafts Vocational College, is the co-founder of a newly-established embroidery workshop in the ancient town of Jinggang. The physical disability resulted from a childhood disease didn't cast shadow on his ambition of starting his own business. He started learning Hunan embroidery, traditionally considered as a skill for women, in college in 2010, when the school began to recruit male students. After graduation, Jiang rent a store with his classmate Huang Jinyu to start their embroidery workshop. Jiang wished that it is not only a place for selling his embroidery but also a gallery of excellent embroidery works from other folk artists.

Disabled man opens embroidery workshop in C. China's Hunan

22-year-old Jiang Tongwan is seen in his room in the town of Jinggang near Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, Oct. 11, 2013. Jiang, graduated from Hunan Arts and Crafts Vocational College, is the co-founder of a newly-established embroidery workshop in the ancient town of Jinggang. The physical disability resulted from a childhood disease didn't cast shadow on his ambition of starting his own business. He started learning Hunan embroidery, traditionally considered as a skill for women, in college in 2010, when the school began to recruit male students. After graduation, Jiang rent a store with his classmate Huang Jinyu to start their embroidery workshop. Jiang wished that it is not only a place for selling his embroidery but also a gallery of excellent embroidery works from other folk artists.

Disabled man opens embroidery workshop in C. China's Hunan

22-year-old Jiang Tongwan (R) does embroidery work at his workshop in the town of Jinggang near Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, Oct. 11, 2013. Jiang, graduated from Hunan Arts and Crafts Vocational College, is the co-founder of a newly-established embroidery workshop in the ancient town of Jinggang. The physical disability resulted from a childhood disease didn't cast shadow on his ambition of starting his own business. He started learning Hunan embroidery, traditionally considered as a skill for women, in college in 2010, when the school began to recruit male students. After graduation, Jiang rent a store with his classmate Huang Jinyu to start their embroidery workshop. Jiang wished that it is not only a place for selling his embroidery but also a gallery of excellent embroidery works from other folk artists.

Disabled man opens embroidery workshop in C. China's Hunan

22-year-old Jiang Tongwan does embroidery work at his workshop in the town of Jinggang near Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, Oct. 11, 2013. Jiang, graduated from Hunan Arts and Crafts Vocational College, is the co-founder of a newly-established embroidery workshop in the ancient town of Jinggang. The physical disability resulted from a childhood disease didn't cast shadow on his ambition of starting his own business. He started learning Hunan embroidery, traditionally considered as a skill for women, in college in 2010, when the school began to recruit male students. After graduation, Jiang rent a store with his classmate Huang Jinyu to start their embroidery workshop. Jiang wished that it is not only a place for selling his embroidery but also a gallery of excellent embroidery works from other folk artists.

Disabled man opens embroidery workshop in C. China's Hunan

Jiang Tongwan (1st R) practices embroidery skills in the class of Hunan Arts and Crafts Vocational College in Yiyang City, central China's Hunan Province, June 9, 2011. Jiang, graduated from Hunan Arts and Crafts Vocational College, is the co-founder of a newly-established embroidery workshop in the ancient town of Jinggang. The physical disability resulted from a childhood disease didn't cast shadow on his ambition of starting his own business. He started learning Hunan embroidery, traditionally considered as a skill for women, in college in 2010, when the school began to recruit male students. After graduation, Jiang rent a store with his classmate Huang Jinyu to start their embroidery workshop. Jiang wished that it is not only a place for selling his embroidery but also a gallery of excellent embroidery works from other folk artists.

Disabled man opens embroidery workshop in C. China's Hunan

22-year-old Jiang Tongwan looks at an embroidery artwork at a presentation in Hunan Arts and Crafts Vocational College in Yiyang City, central China's Hunan Province, June 9, 2011. Jiang, graduated from Hunan Arts and Crafts Vocational College, is the co-founder of a newly-established embroidery workshop in the ancient town of Jinggang. The physical disability resulted from a childhood disease didn't cast shadow on his ambition of starting his own business. He started learning Hunan embroidery, traditionally considered as a skill for women, in college in 2010, when the school began to recruit male students. After graduation, Jiang rent a store with his classmate Huang Jinyu to start their embroidery workshop. Jiang wished that it is not only a place for selling his embroidery but also a gallery of excellent embroidery works from other folk artists.

Disabled man opens embroidery workshop in C. China's Hunan

Jiang Tongwan (R, rear) checks the design work of his yet-to-open store in the town of Jinggang near Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, July 16, 2013. Jiang, graduated from Hunan Arts and Crafts Vocational College, is the co-founder of a newly-established embroidery workshop in the ancient town of Jinggang. The physical disability resulted from a childhood disease didn't cast shadow on his ambition of starting his own business. He started learning Hunan embroidery, traditionally considered as a skill for women, in college in 2010, when the school began to recruit male students. After graduation, Jiang rent a store with his classmate Huang Jinyu to start their embroidery workshop. Jiang wished that it is not only a place for selling his embroidery but also a gallery of excellent embroidery works from other folk artists. 

编辑: 张少虎 标签: Disabled man embroidery workshop
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