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Micro-blog of Hengyang municipal government attracts 70000 fans in 3 months

2013-10-31 16:34:33 来源:hn.chinadaily.com.cn
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A specialist from Sina microblog was invited on the morning of October 22th to give a vivid and practical microblog class related to government affairs . The class involved the relation between microblog and government ; publicity in new media era; multimedia public opinion patterns .

In July, Hengyang municipal government took the lead in launching its official miroblog . In 3 months , the first 46 departments have attracted more than 70,000 fans , releasing 70,000 tweets and forwarding over 100 complaints. A kind of favourable atmosphere of public opinion is constructed for the city’s economic development .

According to Hengyang Government,departments without information updating or reply to netizen as required shall be ordered to make written explanation and rectification within time limit .Those without information report in 2 months or reply to netizen as required shall accept a notice of criticism in the whole city.

编辑: 张少虎 标签: Hengyang
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