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Changsha's plans to go global take off

2014-06-19 14:29:17 来源:China Daily
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The maiden nonstop flight from Changsha to Frankfurt, which is due to take off on June 23, is expected to bring the capital of Hunan province one step closer to becoming a modern and international metropolis.

The flight will be the province's first direct route to Europe and is one of the city government's efforts to boost cultural exchanges between Changsha and foreign countries.

The city has also put up more accurate bilingual traffic signs and scenic billboards as well as increased the number of international schools, business centers and communities.

In March this year, a local delegation led by the city's Party chief Yi Lianhong visited Australia, Singapore and India, which resulted in a series of cooperation agreements on trade, investment and education.

The city's moves to go global have attracted attention and to date more than 120 international Fortune 500 companies have set up offices in Changsha, including 51 companies that made direct investments.

For several years Huanghua International Airport was ranked top among airports in Central China in terms of the number of annual inbound and outbound tourists.

Official statistics showed that the provincial capital welcomed 1.2 million foreign tourists last year.

An online survey of 72,000 expats released last November indicated that Changsha was one of eight Chinese cities that were the most attractive to foreigners. It was the only city in Central China that made the list.

Expats in Changsha

Expats from around the world live in Changsha and according to a local official whatever their job, be it a language teacher or technological exchange expert, they integrate into the city.

Tao Fan, a physician from Indonesia's National Cardiovascular Center, walked out an operating theatre in the Second Xiangya Hospital after he completed a cardiovascular surgery on a 74-year-old patient on May 27.

The 40-year-old Indonesian doctor came to Changsha to learn advanced cardiovascular surgery techniques and he completed eight surgeries with his Chinese mentors that day.

Fan said the lack of hospitals and doctors in Indonesia meant the sudden onset of cardiovascular diseases often meant patients died on the way to hospital.

He said doctors who specialized in the field were urgently needed by local hospitals on different islands.

A further five doctors and nurses also came to Changsha to get experience in cardiology, chest surgery, anesthesiology and intensive care unit monitoring.

Fan said Changsha's vascular surgery was "astonishing" and that he "had never seen so many different cases and symptoms and was impressed by the doctor's surgical experience".

To date, Fan has participated in more than 30 operations and his mentor, Professor Shu Chang, said they increased exchanges with overseas medical teams as the city became more internationalized.

International taste

Alain Bernard is the chef at a French restaurant called Flower Time French Cuisine in downtown Changsha.

As part of his job he picks ingredients for French dishes to keep authentic tastes.

Bernard visited more than 30 countries before he settled in Changsha in 2012.

He said Changsha was not the most famous city in China but he was attracted by the casual lifestyle and the fact that local people cared about food, which allowed him to develop his expertise.

Bernard initially opened a small French restaurant near the university town and a year later both he and his restaurant were renowned in the area.

Last year he sold the restaurant and became the chef at the Flower Time French Cuisine, which was decorated in romantic French style.

"Working here is like being at home," he said.

Almost a local

Abohoui Luc is from Benin in western Africa and spent the past 15 years living in Changsha, where the entertainment industry has allowed him to showcase his talents.

He started work at Hunan Satellite TV, one of the leading TV stations in China in terms of entertainment programs.

"I could not speak Chinese at the beginning and always lost my way in the city," Luc smiled when he recalled the start of his time in Changsha.

Now Luc speaks pure Changsha dialect and said he likes the character of the place and people.

"Most of my friends are locals. We often gather together to drink the local Chinese liquor, sing karaoke and eat Hunan dishes. I enjoy this kind of life," he said.

Luc's "Changsha dream" continued when his daughter was born in the city last year.

"I hope she can finish her education here just like Changsha kids. She is the biggest highlight of my time in Changsha," he said.

Sigwart Juergen is the finance manager of Bosch Automotive Products (Changsha) Co Ltd.

The 32-year-old is from Freiburg im Breisgau in Germany and has worked in Changsha for five years.

He said although the city was not as prosperous as Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong it had a slower pace of life, lower cost of living and was full of vitality.

Juergen was impressed by the rapid development of the Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone, a State-level demonstration zone where his company is located.

He said the company's steady and considerable development was largely down to the positive business environment in the zone.

"Preferential tax policies and customer-oriented services provided by the local government in the zone have attracted an increasing number of overseas investors. We have experienced cosmopolitan living and have made many friends here," he said.

Juergen said to develop the city further more convenient visa services and more investment in education should be provided to expats.

"As part of the city myself I hope Changsha will develop further in the coming years," the German executive said.

Contact the writers at fengzhiwei@chinadaily.com.cn

Changsha's plans to go global take off


Changsha Party cheif Yi Lianhong signs an agreement with Laurie Smith, president of Australian Trade Commission on cooperation in trade, investment and education fields.

Changsha's plans to go global take off


Members of an expat club experience the newly opened Changsha subway.

Changsha's plans to go global take off


Professor Shu Chang at Second Xiangya Hospital gives instruction to Indonesian students.


Changsha's plans to go global take off


After living in the city for 15 years, Abohoui Luc almost regards himself as a local.

Changsha's plans to go global take off


International schools offer foreign children an environment combining both local and international features.

编辑: 于姝楠 标签: Changshaglobal
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