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Taiwan and Cili cooperate in community administration and service sector

2014-08-25 16:17:58 来源:enghunan.gov.cn
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Recently, a 21-membered Taiwan grass-roots delegation headed by Kau Chung Yun, chairman of the committee of Taipei Dunbei Community Development Association, Wong Chin Fai, chief of Fuhua Village of Taipei Zhongshan District and head of the village made an investigation at the Neighborhood Committee of Dongjie Community of Cili County of Zhangjiajie City in Hunan Province.

The delegation learned carefully about community administration and community service of the county, and learned the specific measures of and experience in these two aspects by the Neighborhood Committee of Dongjie Community. They also visited the service hall of Dongjie Community, college for the aged and community plaza, and watched wonderful performances of gate ball, yangge dance and square dance by senior people. The Taiwan guests and their counterparts in Zhangjiajie conducted extensive exchange and discussion on such issues that people concern most as endowment insurance, insurance premiums, civil mediation, minimum living allowance for rural residents and community fund, facilitating the establishment of sister-community ties with the Neighborhood Committee of Dongjie Community and Fuhua Village of Taipei Zhongshan District and building long-term cooperation mechanism.

Please refer to www.enghunan.gov.cn when using the article.

Translator: Zhang Minsi

Chinese source: news.xinhuanet.com

编辑:于姝楠 标签: Taiwan Cili
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