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2014 Tour of China International Road Cycling Race to start in Langshan

2014-08-28 08:50:16 来源:enghunan.gov.cn
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On August 24, it was learned from Xinning Executive Committee of 2014 China (Hunan) International Tourism Festival that Hunan section of Tour of China International Road Cycling Race themed "cycling on romantic Langshan, chasing beautiful dreams" will unveil in Langshan, a World Natural Heritage site in Xinning County on September 8.

Twenty-two powerful professional cycling teams from all over the world will compete against each other in this road cycling race. Among the contestants, 11 teams come from Europe, 9 from Asia and 2 from America. On September 6, the participants will travel to Langshan to appreciate its beautiful mountains and waters and warm-up before the event. Riders will start off on the morning of September 8 from the north gate of Langshan Mountain, head along Langshan Avenue and the West Road of Daxing to Xinwu (Xinning-Wugang) Highway, then pass through Xinning exit of Dongxin (Dongkou-Xinning) Expressway to the south section of Dongxin Expressway, and turn back at Houjiaqiao, covering a total length of 130 kilometers.

 Please refer to www.enghunan.gov.cn when using the article.

 Translator: Zhang Minsi

 Chinese source: hunan.voc.com.cn


编辑:于姝楠 标签: cycling Langshan
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