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Hunan experts stick to their post to fight against Ebola in Africa

2014-09-04 09:00:17 来源:enghunan.gov.cn
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Currently, a lot of medical teams from the World Health Organization and international countries retreated from Africa due to the uncontrollable Ebola epidemic. Though bad news comes one after another, Hunan expert team and Chinese medical team are still fighting against the epidemic at the forefront.

Over the past two weeks, Hunan expert team's main task has been popularizing knowledge on disease control and prevention for the 16 batches of medical teams, Chinese-funded institutions, overseas Chinese and local medical staff in Sierra Leone.

As of August 30, suspected and confirmed Ebola cases in Sierra Leone had reached 1,018, among whom 378 were dead. "Most of the local hospitals have been closed. The three hospitals we visited had 40 doctors in total, most dead and the left missing," said Sha Xinping, associate professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases in Xiangya Hospital.

Translator: Zhu Mengxia

Chinese source: hn.xinhuanet.com

编辑:于姝楠 标签: Hunan fight Ebola
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