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Summit marks new era of cooperation

2014-09-12 10:29:50 来源:China Daily
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The China-Latin America Business Summit, which is due to start on Sept 12, will bring new opportunities to central China's Hunan province and "heralds a new era of cooperation", said Li Pei, director of the Hunan branch of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, or CCPIT.

The two-day summit will be held in the provincial capital of Changsha.

Officials and representatives of enterprises and institutions from 30 countries and regions in Latin America, including Mexico, Paraguay, Costa Rica and Salvador will attend the summit, according to a provincial government conference on Sept 5.

Officials from CCPIT, the People's Bank of China and the ministries of foreign affairs, commerce and environmental protection were also invited to the event.

The total number of participants are expected to reach 1,200, more than 900 of which will be representatives from enterprises and organizations.

The summit will cover issues including how to deepen cooperation, how to improve the quality of investment and new trends in major industries. The highlight of the summit is expected to be the trade fair for enterprises from China and Latin America.

The summit will also feature seven events specifically related to the host province of Hunan.

These will include a promotion for industrial equipment from local companies and an exhibition to showcase Hunan's major industries.

"These events will give visitors from Latin America a more direct and powerful impression of Hunan, to enhance the province's impact in the Latin American market," said Li.

He added that the event would give local enterprises more business opportunities and a chance to learn more about Latin America.

The international summit between the Chinese government and governments from Latin America started eight years ago.

It is a major part of the Chinese government's efforts to promote trade and cooperation with Latin America.

CCPIT plays an important role in facilitating China's foreign trade and offers platforms for Chinese businesses to communicate and cooperate with foreign counterparts.

"We hope the summit will become a gateway for Hunan to enter the Latin American market and develop connections there," said Li.

A range of agreements are expected to be inked between Hunan and Latin America during the summit.

In the past years the province had signed cooperation agreements with nine business organizations from Latin America.

Contact the writers through fengzhiwei@chinadaily.com.cn

Summit marks new era of cooperation


Organizers announce officials and business representatives from 30 countries and regions in Latin America will attend the summit to be held tomorrow in Changsha.


编辑:于姝楠 标签: Summit cooperation
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