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Changsha to beef up comprehensive atmospheric pollution control

2014-10-28 13:46:10 来源:eng.changsha.gov.cn
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On Oct 24, Changsha to beef up comprehensive atmospheric pollution controlChangsha Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference convened a thematic consultation on "strengthening atmospheric pollution control, constructing Changsha into a beautiful city", which is a key topic of Changsha municipal CPPCC this year. 

From March to July, a Changsha CPPCC investigation group went to each district and county (city) and 13 companies in the city for in-depth research, arranged several forums and expert consultation meetings, and organized some members to learn from other region's advanced experiences. A detailed investigation report on the major problems of Changsha atmospheric pollution control and the cause was formed. The report also puts forward countermeasures and suggestions on such aspect as planning, overall prevention and control, environmental capacity building and so on.

Changsha municipal CPPCC Chairman Fan Xiaoxin said on the conference that strengthening atmospheric pollution control is a long-term task which requires comprehensive solutions. He hoped that related departments could set up the scientific achievement view and push forward the management of air pollution in accordance with laws and rules.

编辑:张少虎 标签: atmospheric pollution
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