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Agriculture expo concludes with turnover of 20 billion yuan

2014-11-25 11:04:43 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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The 2014 Central China (Hunan) International Agriculture Expo came to a close on Nov 24, with the total transaction volume reaching a record high, at 20 billion yuan ($3.26 billion), Changsha Evening News reported.

Mobile Internet e-business achieved an on-line transaction value of 1.86 million yuan, an impressive performance for its debut during the expo. Snack food is the bestselling online product, accounting for more than one third of total sales.

The expo attracted more than 1,500 enterprises from both home and abroad to the exhibition and introduced to the event the mobile Internet e-business platform for the first time.

As of Nov 23, the official WeChat platform of the expo's designated e-business platform had attracted more than 63,500 followers, and over 45,000 registered APP users.

The expo also launched a video job fair for high-end agricultural skilled personnel, headhunting for more than 20 local brand enterprises. More than 2,100 people reached employment intentions with the employing units.

编辑:张少虎 标签: agriculture turnover
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