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Academician and expert workstations power hi-tech enterprises

2014-11-25 11:04:48 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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Changsha Association for Science and Technology recently assessed the first batch of 10 academician and expert workstations founded last year, Changsha Evening News reported on Nov 24. 

At the end of 2013, the city of Changsha in Hunan province announced plans to establish 40 academician and expert workstations among its key industries by 2020, and it granted the "Changsha Academician and Expert Workstation" title to 10 local high-tech enterprises, including Sany Heavy Industry, Wasion Group, Kaitian Group, and Hunan Jiuzhitang Co.

During the assessment meeting held on Nov 23, the principals of the workstations gave specific reports on their main working responsibilities and actual effects, especially covering achievements on innovative group construction and project development.

The workstations have so far brought in 12 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (or of China Engineering Academy) and 88 innovative team experts altogether, conducting researches on 22 prospective projects.

Meanwhile, the city has newly approved seven such workstations in enterprises such as Changsha Chaint Robotics and Hunan Er-Kang Pharmaceutical Co in 2014.

编辑:张少虎 标签: academician
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