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Hunan brand-names and high-quality products launched into Beijing market together

2014-11-28 15:21:30 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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A sales exhibition center for Hunan brand-names and high-quality products started business in Beijing on Nov 25. It's the first time that Hunan products have been launched in the Beijing market in the form of a "group army". 

The center is located in a commercial building in Jinxiudadi, Haidian district, with an exhibition hall of 3,000 square meters. Around 3,000 types of goods will be on display in a long-term sales exhibition there.

According to Hu Zaiming, the operator of the center, it has so far gathered nearly 3,000 products from more than 230 Hunan enterprises, 51 of which come from Changsha, covering condiments, fresh agricultural and subsidiary products, cured meat products, leisure food, characteristic handicrafts, special gifts, tea, wine, Xiang embroidery, porcelain, and so on.

Changsha Guoyuan Kiwifruit Biotechnology Company launched its kiwifruit wine onto the sales platform in Beijing. Zhang Yi, its CEO, said that he valued Hunan brands' group power very much. "It's very costly and difficult for a minor enterprise to enter into the Beijing market alone. Enterprises banding together can better open up the market," he added.

Besides the exhibition hall, the Beijing center also has a 5,000-square-meter warehouse and logistics center. Hu said that the center plans to unite with more than 400 Hunan brands in three years, to boost the influence and popularity of Hunan products in Beijing, and even the whole country.


Hunan brand-names and high-quality products launched into Beijing market together

A saleswoman in national clothing promotes a type of Hunan wine in the Beijing sales exhibition center for Hunan brand-names and high-quality products. [Photo by Liu Jieping]

编辑:于姝楠 标签: Hunan products Beijing
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