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Hunan held Seventh Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and Relatives

2014-11-28 15:21:38 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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Hunan province held the seventh Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and Relatives from Nov 26-28. Zhang Yinglong, vice mayor of Changsha city, and Wen Shuxun, head of the municipal united front work department, met with Changsha representatives for the congress on Nov 25.

Changsha has elected 50 delegates to attend the provincial congress. They are from the nine districts in the city, and Changsha High-Tech Zone, as well as municipal institutions and enterprises, covering more than 10 fields such as economy, science and technology, and education.

At present, Changsha has around 220,000 returned overseas Chinese and relatives, compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao, and overseas Changsha people. According to incomplete statistics, foreign investments brought in through overseas Chinese account for 62 percent of the total foreign capital in the city.

The Hunan Overseas Chinese Public Welfare Foundation, co-initiated by the Hunan Provincial Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and renowned entrepreneurs in the circle, was also founded in Changsha on Nov 25.

Zhang said that returned overseas Chinese and relatives, as well as overseas Chinese, are an indispensable force for the development of Changsha. He hoped that the Changsha representatives would earnestly perform their duties and help to enhance the city's attractiveness and cohesiveness to overseas Chinese.

编辑:于姝楠 标签: overseas Chinese
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