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2014 Hunan Music Season wraps up on folk music in Hunan Music Hall

2014-12-01 15:50:41 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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The "conductor queen" Zheng Xiaoying, though eighty years old, had deeply impressed Changsha audiences with her passion and vitality. Last night, on the "2014 Hunan Music Season" folk music concert in Hunan Music Hall, Changsha audience extended their love and gratitude to her with long applause. The concert also marked the end of this session of music season. Provincial leaders Xu Yousheng, Han Yongwen attended the concert. 

This year marked the tenth year of Hunan Music Season. "It is uneasy for us to insist for such a long period of ten years. It is a milestone and Hunan philharmonic orchestra will set off on a new journey, " said Xiao Ming, director of Hunan Song and Dance Theater, Hunan symphony music director, also the national first-level conductor.  

It is reported that 30 classical concerts of wide coverage of different styles has been successfully held in Hunan Music Hall. Musicians including Zheng Xiaoying, Patrick Kavanaugh, Wu Bixia and Liu Xiao, along with the Stuttgart Symphonic, the Baltic Symphony Orchestra all gave performance in this year's Music Season, which not only improved the level of Hunan philharmonic orchestra, but also brought Changsha international influence. Zheng Xiaoying said, "it is not easy for Hunan Symphony Orchestra, an orchestra for provincial sing and Dance Theater to insist on holding Music Season for so many years. Few groups can do this in China." Patrick Kavanaugh also said, "I have deeply in love with the city of Changsha. The music atmosphere here makes me moved!" 

The number of audiences that attended 2014 Hunan Music Season topped 16,000. "I attended 10 concerts. It is really great having the chance to appreciate the splendid performance of artists around the world at home," a music fan said. 

After 10 years' development, the number of shows and audiences has increased. What's more, the Music Season is gradually rolled out to the whole province. This year, it opened a Changde Special with 10 shows, which was highly spoken of by Changde citizens. "Next year, we will open specials in more cities and increase the number of performances, filling the province with music," Xiaoming said. 

编辑:于姝楠 标签: folk music concert
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