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Changsha county to build 16 community parks by the end of 2015

2014-12-05 16:40:57 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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According to the local urban management bureau, Changsha county plans to build 16 community parks by the end of 2015.


Lijiang Community Park is one of the 16 parks. It is located at the southwestern corner of the intersection of Tianhua South Road and Nanshan Road and will be opened soon. Residents can enjoy sunbathing in the park during winter days.


Changsha county has already got some parks such as Xingsha Eco-Park, Teli Park and Xiaotang Park. Nevertheless, it is still far away from the county's greening target of "seeing a park every 500 meters".


The local government has strengthened its efforts in urban park construction and plans to build more comprehensive parks, including Longtang Park, Xingcheng park, and Songyahu Wetland Park.


Compared with large-scale comprehensive parks, community parks seem more popular among residents. There are 34 communities in the county, and 16 community parks will be built by the end of 2015. The parks will cover an area of more than 24 hectares, according to the local urban management bureau.


The newly-built Lijiang Community Park and Binhu Green Square have received unanimous praise from local residents. Changsha county will spare no efforts to ensure every community has its own park as soon as possible.


What's more, Changsha county is going to improve the road greening of Binghu Road, Teli Road, Kaiyuan Road, Sanyi Road, Lixiang Road, Panpan Road, Wanjiali Road, Tianhua Road, Xingsha Avenue, Dongsi Road, Dongliu Road and Dongba Road, filling Changsha county with green plants and making it an eco-friendly city.


编辑:张少虎 标签: community parks
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