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20 projects in CETZ go into production and 44 in planning in 2014

2014-12-26 10:49:34 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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According to the Management Committee of Changsha National Economic and Technical Development Zone (CETZ), there are 50 projects under construction and another 44 in their planning stage in the zone in 2014, of which nine are listed among Changsha's municipal key projects and 20 have gone into production so far.

Among the key projects, the Shanghai Volkswagen (Changsha Branch) project has completed a total investment of 5.1 billion yuan ($819 million), and the assembly of its first sample car was finished on Dec 18.

The newly built workshops in the Lens Technology (Changsha) Langli production base (second phase) project have also been brought into production.

Sumitomo Rubber (Hunan province) has finished construction of its belt tire workshops in its expansion project (first phase), which will be brought into production in March, 2015.

The production line of Guangzhou Auto Fiat has entered its setting-to-work test phase. The Chrysler project is expanding in the former location of the Fiat manufacturing factory and will be completed in October, 2015.

The Tigershark engines project has been under construction and is expected to be finished in February, 2016.

Apart from these, other major projects such as the CHTC Jove Heavy Industry Company (second phase) and China Railway Signal & Communication Corp (CRSC) are comprehensively under way, and 20 projects including Guangzhou Auto Mitsubishi expansion project and Goke Microelectronics Company have gone into production successively.

Meanwhile, there will be 44 projects launched in the Zone in 2015, involving a total investment of 25 billion yuan.

编辑:张少虎 标签: CETZ key projects
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