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Changsha builds new agricultural product logistic center

2014-12-31 09:12:56 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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Construction work of the Huangxing agricultural products logistics center started in Changsha county, Central China's Hunan province on Dec 28.

As Changsha's "large basket", the Mawangdui Vegetable Wholesale Market's demolition and relocation work have been concerned by local residents. Now as the new center begins construction, it is expected to be moved into the new home by the end of 2015.

The Mawangdui Market started business in May, 1991, with an area of only 28 mu (1.87 hectare) at that time. Now it has developed into a big market covering an area close to 300 mu.

But with the rapid expansion of Changsha's urban development, the market was under an overload operation and it's urgent to move it into a larger center.

After a series of site selection, the Mawangdui Agricultural Products Company signed an agreement with Changsha county, to settle the site of the new market in Dagualing village, Huangxing town, and changed its name to "Changsha Agricultural Product Logistics Center".

The new project covers an area of 1,001 mu, which is four times larger than that of the Mawangdui Market. "And it will be equipped with more professional supporting facilities," said a principal of the project.

Reaching a total investment of 2 billion yuan ($321.24 million), the new market consists of seven functional areas, including the agricultural products trading area, a modern logistics processing and distribution center, and an agricultural products quality inspection center.

The new center is expected to be completed and brought into service in late 2015. Some environmental friendly technologies will be deployed during its construction, such as the solar energy, and the wastewater treatment and reusing.

编辑:张少虎 标签: market logistics center
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