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Take a trip to the winter wonderland in Hunan

2015-01-06 09:55:06 来源:china daily
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Cold months showcase the best of ancient towns, snowy landscapes, hot springs

Winter in Central China's Hunan province has unique charms to offer visitors willing to explore outside peak tourist seasons.

One the most attractive areas is the ancient town of Fenghuang, which is by Tuojiang River in the west of the province and is an oasis of calm during the winter when there are fewer tourists.

Visitors to Fenghuang can enjoy greenery that survives the winter chill and the Tuojiang River, which often takes on a fairytale appearance in the morning mist.

When night falls, the water dazzles with reflections of neon lights from bars along the riverbank and the town comes alive with music as young people enjoy the lively nightlife.

During the day, a trip down the river on a boat with a bamboo canopy gives unrivalledviews of the century-old stilt houses where local ethnic people live.

A journey downstream will lead visitors to Rainbow Bridge, where a painting scroll hangs. It depicts typical elements of water towns in South China and includes Hopping Bridge, Rainbow Bridge, Longevity Palace, Wanming Pagoda, Duocui Tower and the age-old city wall.

Tuojiang is known as the mother river of Fenghuang. Generations of people have depended on the river for their livelihoods. Today, residents still wash clothes in, play and sit by the river.

White winter

Scenes of snow-covered landscapes are easy to come by in the north, but in the south people have to go high up into the mountains to appreciate the true beauty of snow.

Hunan's mountainous snow scenes have attracted travelers from home and abroad for years.

The stone peaks in western Hunan's Zhangjiajie have long impressed tourists and give the feeling of being on another planet.

Visiting the area in the winter has several benefits. From December to February, Zhangjiajie sees the most snow and its mountains and trees are painted white with a peaceful air of mystery.

During this time tourists can enjoy discounts on hotels and other facilities.

A ride on the Dragon Ladder, which is believed to be the world's highest and fastest elevator, takes visitors from Wulingyuan, past Suoxi Lake to Yuanjiajie.

Yuanjiajie boasts spectacular views of Mount Hallelujah, a series of stone pillars that inspired the movie Avatar, which was set on fictional Planet Pandora.

Following the blockbuster's success the area uses the promotional line "Planet Pandora is remote, but Zhangjiajie is within reach".

Snowy scenes can also be found at Mount Mangshan, in Hunan's Yizhang county. The area has the best-preserved and most representative subtropical primitive evergreen broad-leaf forests in the world.

During the winter Guizizhai Fall, a naturally formed deep pit, the Three Sisters peaks, the alpine Langpan Lake and the mysterious Monkey King Village are all areas of natural beauty.

Take a trip to the winter wonderland in Hunan


Spa trip

A spa visit is an ideal choice during the cold season. Spas give visitors the chance to relax and ease muscles, joints, and fatigue.

Huitang Hot Spring, or Fog Spring, in Hunan's Ningxiang county is one the most famous high temperature hot springs in China.

The hot spring got its name from the thick steam that rises from the boiling spring water. The area has developed into a resort that is ideal for medical treatment, rehabilitation, training, conferences, business events, vacations and relaxation.

Rucheng county, in southern Hunan province, has hot springs that are believed to have the highest temperature, greatest volume, best water quality and cover the biggest area in South China.

The region's hot springs can reach temperatures of 98 C but most of them are about 91.5 C.

In Rucheng, a floral spa that uses rose, lily and lotus petals is the most renowned. The floral spa offers total relaxation as well as rejuvenating skin treatments and of course a sweetscented experience.

Take a trip to the winter wonderland in Hunan


编辑:张少虎 标签: hunan winter hot springs
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