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Changsha to host 28th FIBA Asia Championship

2015-01-13 13:25:30 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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The 28th FIBA Asia Championship will be held in Changsha, lasting from 23rd September to 3rd October in 2015. Changsha's Social Work College was appointed as the main stadium, and the Central South Univrsity of Forestry and Technology as the auxiliary stadium, according to Ha Gaopu, the secretary-general of FIBA Asia.

Mr Ha said "this Championship can help popularize basketball and enable it to become the favorite sport among Changsha people." It is reported that the two stadiums that were inspected have been qualified, but the conditions of the training center and other parts of the stadium are still not up to standard. As the two best stadiums in Changsha, they have been chosen as the competition venues, according to Yang Zaihui, the chairman of Changsha Basketball Association, and Deputy Director of Changsha Sports Bureau.

When it comes to strong basketball teams, Gao Hapu said "As the host, the Chinese Basketball team is the favorite in this championship. Iran, the Philippines, and Lebanon are also likely to do well in this competition." Actually Gao Hapu comes from Lebanon, it is hard that the strength of Chinese Basketball Team can be recognized by a foreigner.

Officials of FIBA Asia and the Chinese Basketball Association will inspect the stadium in Changsha after June. Meanwhile, a series of test competitions will be held in order to make adequate preparation for the FIBA Asia Championship in September.

编辑:张少虎 标签: Changsha FIBA Asian Championship
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