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"Beautiful Changsha" photography works on display

2015-01-19 14:05:39 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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An itinerant exhibition of photography works with the theme of "Beautiful Changsha" made its debut in Xingchen International Art Center, Changsha, on Jan 15.

The day also marked the official opening of the center and the launch of its website art.changsha.cn.

The "Beautiful Changsha" Photography Competition, a key program in the third Hunan Provincial Network Cultural Festival, received a total of 11,000 entries since its activation in September, 2014, and concluded with six top winners, 60 recognition awards, and 10 Wechat group winners.

The Xingchen International Art Center, known as "the exhibition hall in the cloud" due to its location on the 24th floor of the Changsha Evening News's Press Tower, is owned by the Press Group of the newspaper.

The center will be the first platform operated by all media, and, to promote and display art with both online and off-line interactions.

The exhibition site of the "Beautiful Changsha" photography works at Xingchen International Art Center on Jan 15, 2015. [Photo by Shi Zhenzhuan/Changsha Evening News]

编辑:张少虎 标签: beautiful Changsha photography competition
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