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First snow of this winter is expected to hit Changsha on Thursday night

2015-01-28 17:34:58 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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Changsha city in Hunan province may have its first snow this winter on the evening of Jan 29, according to weather forecast by the local meteorology bureau.

A combination of rain and fog has caused temperatures in Changsha to plunge rapidly with a spell of cold air.

The meteorology bureau warned residents against the cold and asked them to keep warm and watch out for traffic safety as temperatures will drop consecutively starting from Jan 28. Sleet is expected in urban areas while mountainous regions will see snow by Thursday evening.

Drivers should pay more attention to flyovers in Puyuan and Tuanjielu, and bridges across the Xiangjiang River, which easily get icy.

Ye Chengzhi, the deputy director of Hunan Provincial Meteorological Observatory, said that there will be persistent cold and rain across the province this week. It is also likely to snow in large areas in the northern part of Hunan from Jan 28 to 31, he warned. Rain and snow will particularly peak Friday and Saturday. The temperatures are expected to drop by 6 to 8 degrees by then.

The fog and haze that reigned in most areas of Hunan last Tuesday morning has gradually faded away with the coming of cold air.

编辑:张少虎 标签: first snow Changsha
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