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People in Changsha be offered special discounted airfares to 12 cities for Spring Festival

2015-02-05 09:04:13 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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People in Changsha will be offered specially discounted airfares to 12 cities in East and South China before the Spring Festival at a cost of 60 yuan ($9.6) to 320 yuan, according to the Hunan Branch of China Southern Airlines.

Tickets from Changsha to Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Ningbo and Fuzhou in East China, and to Guangzhou and Shenzhen in South China will cost only 60 yuan to 180 yuan for travels before February 19, the traditional Chinese New Year's Day. The booking period will commence on February 3.

Tickets from Changsha to Beijing, Xiamen, Shantou, Zhuhai, and Nanning during the same period-before February 19, will also be available for booking from February 3 and cost 200 yuan to 320 yuan.

However, according to the China Southern campaign, airfares from Changsha to Haikou and Sanya in South China's Hainan province; Chengdu, Chongqing, and Xi'an in West China; Dalian, Harbin, Shenyang and Changchun in the Northeast are in shorter supply and will only see 30 percent discount at best.

The company stressed that air fares and availability for flights between February 19 and 28 will be rather restricted.

编辑:张少虎 标签: discounted airfares Spring Festival
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