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Charity and volunteer service activity kicks off in Central China city of Changsha

2015-02-05 17:35:48 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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On Feb 3, a charity and volunteer service activity kicked off in Central China city of Changsha, where money and supplies worth 4.6 million yuan ($736,000) will be donated to the poor in the city.

The money and goods mainly include donations from local companies, charitable supplies given by the Provincial Red Cross Society, and those collected by all-level of Red Cross societies in the provincial capital of Hunan.

Among donors is Hunan Friendship & Apollo Commercial Co, a commodity retailing enterprise headquartered in Changsha, which donated 1 million yuan.

The event was co-sponsored by Changsha municipal department of publicity, office of civilization, and Red Cross Society. It also involves a series of volunteer service activities under the theme of "learn from Lei Feng", an ordinary soldier in the early 1960s, who has been admired by several generations of Chinese people for helping others.

Zhang Xiangtao, the head of the city's publicity department, and Chen Danping, the Party branch chief of the Red Cross Society of Hunan Province, attended the launching ceremony.

编辑:张少虎 标签: charity volunteer
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