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Bureau of development and reform in Changsha county unveils main social and economic development targets for 2015

2015-02-13 11:19:21 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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The bureau of development and reform in Changsha county announced the main targets for the county's social and economic development in 2015.

According to the plan, announced at the opening of the fourth session of the 16th Changsha county People's Congress, Changsha county, a sub-district of Changsha, capital city of Hunan province, seeks to increase its GDP by 10.5 percent in 2015 over last year.

Among other annual targets are 12 percent rise in total industrial output value, 10 percent increase in financial revenues, 15 percent growth in fixed assets investment, 12.5 percent rise in total retail sales of consumer goods, and 10.5 percent hike in per capita disposable income of rural and urban residents.

Meanwhile, the local government plans to invest about 8.65 billion yuan ($1.39 billion) for 161 projects, 1.6 billion yuan more than that of last year.

In addition to the macro-data objectives, the local government will push forward the construction of industrial programs such as the building of Hengguang International Logistics Center.

Changsha county will also focus on adjusting economic structure and promoting industrial upgrading, according to the bureau of development and reform. More specifically, the government will give more support to micro businesses, especially those with independent innovation ability.

It also plans to strengthen the foundation of modern agricultural development by creating pilot agriculture bases and modernized farms.

It will boost the growth of service industry by providing improved platforms for service trade like the Huangxing modern market cluster, the report unveiled.

The bureau also pointed out Changsha county will deepen business registration reform and strengthen follow-up inspection. The administration for industry and commerce in the county will promote on-line business license and on-line registration system.

To foster a sound ecological environment, the government will, on the one hand, fully carry out a project to convert marginal farmlands to forests and grassland. On the other hand, it will promote low-carbon technologies and cultivate new material and energy industries as new driving engines of its circular economy.

编辑:张少虎 标签: development reform targets
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