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A large scale light festival kicks off in the west bank of Xiangjiang River of Changsha on Feb 14

2015-02-15 10:30:06 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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A large scale light festival will kick off in the west bank of Xiangjiang River, Changsha, on the evening of Feb 14.

Thirty-two sets of light artworks will make their debut on the Meixihu North Road in the Meixi Lake International New Area, the main venue for the 2015 Meixi Lake International Lights Festival.

Among which, six 6-meter-high colourful sheep, in light of the zodiac animal of China's upcoming Lunar New Year, will extend their New Year greetings to all the people in Hunan province, from Jinmao Square in the provincial capital.

Another nine sets of lighting works on two parallel venues, the Xiaoxiang Middle Road and Binjiang Scenic Road, will also be switched on.

The 2015 Meixi Lake International Lights Festival is hosted by the Xiangjiang New Area management committee, and sponsored by Meixihu Investment Company and Franshion Properties Changsha Limited.

According to the organizers, there will be interludes such as exhibition of creative lighting works, flower show, housing exhibition, as well as auto show during the festival.

The creative light artworks are mainly located in the Meixihu North Road, Luyun Road, and Yinxing Park, all in the northern part of Meixi Lake International New Area, a business cirlce developed around the Meixi Lake in Yuelu district in recent years.

The Meixi Lake International Lights Festival has been held for three years since 2012. The light artworks this year, featuring Chinese style as well as creativity, mainly use the LED lights as in the previous sessions, to carry on the philosophy of being energy-saving and environmental friendly.

编辑:张少虎 标签: light artworks
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