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Changtai the leading enterprise in Changsha robots industry launches the CRT industrial robots

2015-03-09 13:24:35
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Changtai, the leading enterprise in Changsharobots industry, unveiled its new product – CRT, an industrial robot on March 7.

The first Institute of Robot Application in Changsha will be settled in Yuhua Jingkai District. Yuhua district will cooperate with Shenzhen-based Chinese Academy of Sciences that can offer technology to Changsha scientific companies. The leading enterprise, KUKA Robot also made an agreement with Yuhua District to establish a Robot Institute

On the Hunan robot promotion event, industrial robots made by Hunan enterprises displayed their skills to the full. In Changtai robot workshop, two robots which heights were more than three meters wearing a lion-shaped headgear, triumphantly performed the traditional lion dance.

Industrial robots can do more than amusing people. "Changsha No.1" CRT not only can put on special arms on the spot, but also welds cars, sprays painting nice and well. The manager of Changtai Robot Enterprise said: "The newly-unveiled robot – CTR can work in labor-intensive, high-risk, sterile industries, such as auto and auto Parts, firework and medicine industry. Sooner or later, robots can independently produce Liuyang traditional Firework."

Huang Lanxiang officially designated Yuhua Jingkai district as "the district of Hunan robot industry". She said: "The capacity Changsha robot industry is expected to exceed 10 billion yuan in the coming three years. Robot density will reach 100 per 1,000 people employed in manufacturing industry. All the efforts will turn the label 'made in Chashang' on robots into 'innovated in Changsha'".

编辑:张少虎 标签: Changtai industrial robots
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