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A 'helping out with micro-wishes' activity launched in Changsha city on the Changsha Charity Day

2015-03-12 08:44:53
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Pozijie sub-district in Tianxin district, Changsha, launched a "helping out with micro-wishes" activity on March 9, the Changsha Charity Day.


The activity was held on Taiping Street in the neighborhood, where kids from families with financial difficulties put up their wish notes on the branches of two wishing trees.


Ren Yimeng, a 9-year-old child who is left behind with her grandparents by migrant-worker parents, said in her note that she likes reading and would like to get some extra-curricular books.


Li Chen, a local resident, responded to her wish note, promising he would help the little girl realize her wish.


Altogether 40 such wishes, like "I want to buy a new coat for my grandma", attracted many volunteers and residents who responded to them within one hour.


编辑:张少虎 标签: activiyChangsha
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