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Changsha unveils a plan for new round of government function transition and institutional reform

2015-03-20 13:14:17
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Changsha, the capital city of Central China's Hunan province, unveiled its plan for a new round of government function transition and institutional reform on March 17.

Revealed in a mobilization meeting for the reform mission held on Tuesday, the package outlines the city's restructuring of government administration through three aspects: speeding up the transformation of government functions, deepening institutional reform, and strict control over organizational establishment.

This round of reform, expected to be completed by the end of June, will be centered on the transformation of government functions and modernizing its governance system and capacity for governance.

During the mobilization meeting, the city's top leader Yi Lianhong quoted Premier Li Keqiang's words during a press conference on March 15 in talking about the government's determination for self-imposed reform to streamline administration and delegate powers: "This is not nail-clipping, but taking a knife to one's own flesh. But however painful it may be, we are determined to keep going until our job is done."

After the reform, the number of administrative departments within the municipal government will be reduced to 40.

编辑:张少虎 标签: Changsha government reform
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