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Hunan Promotes Tourism at Expo Milano 2015

2015-06-24 15:40:01 来源:湖南省政府英文门户网站
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At 16:00 on June 21 of Milan local time, Hunan Tourism Promotion Fair themed "Splendid Xiaoxiang and Happy Hunan" was held at the China Pavilion of Expo Milano 2015. Vice Governor of Hunan Province He Baoxiang, on behalf of 72 million Hunan people, sincerely invited Italian friends in all walks of life to tour and invest in Hunan.

At 10:30 that day, Zhangjiajie landscape promotion meeting began with distinctive local folk songs. Representatives of over 60 Italian travel agencies and reporters took part in the event.

The highlight of Hunan Week is displaying the best and most beautiful Hunan, to attract more European tourists to Hunan. In the following days, cities including Yueyang, Yiyang, Chenzhou, Yongzhou, Hengyang, Shaoyang and Loudi will hold special marketing meetings at the China Pavilion to introduce characteristic tourism products.

Please refer to www.enghunan.gov.cn when using the article.

Translator: Hao Jingru

Chinese source: hunan.gov.cn

Read more at http://www.enghunan.gov.cn/wwwHome/201506/t20150624_1757941.htm

编辑:刁云娇 标签: Hunan Promotes Tourism at Expo Milano 2015
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