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Changsha Strawberry Music Festival 2015

2015-06-25 15:16:40 来源:湖南省人民政府英文门户网站
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Duration: June 27- June 28

Venue: Orange Isle Sandbeach Park

Themed "Freaky is good", the two-day Strawberry Music Festival, Changsha station will bring amazing live performances by an awesome line-up of 40 bands, singers and DJs on three different stages i.e. strawberry, love and Release electronic stage. Attracting throngs of young people every year, it will continue to make itself the most influential outdoor music show in Changsha.

The Strawberry Music Festival, founded in 2009, has become an influential rock event in the country, attracting the most audiences in China. Strawberry is organized by Modern Sky, a big record label based in Beijing. This is probably China's number one music festival. The Festival enjoys a fantastic growth journey, from nearly ten thousand spectators every day in the inaugural Music Festival to 240 thousand in 2014, from the earliest three stages to eight now, from Beijing only to different parts of the country like Wuhan, Shenzhen, Xi'an and Shanghai. Changsha station this time will absolutely take a brand new look. So don’t miss the fantastic shows held at Orange Isle Sandbeach Park from June 27 and June 28.

Ticket Price: 150RMB (pre-sale)/ 180RMB (at the door)

How to get there: Take No.2 or No.3 Lvyou Bus, or Bus No.1, No.11, No.123, No.142, No.143, No.145, No.301, No. 317, No.325, No.368, No.406, No.803, No.804, No.901, No.908 to the east of Juzizhou Bridge, and then walk to the isle. You can also take subway (line 2) to the isle directly, and then walk northward about 500 meters.

Changsha Strawberry Music Festival 2015

Cheer Chen (TW)

Changsha Strawberry Music Festival 2015

Song Dongye

Changsha Strawberry Music Festival 2015

Song Dongye

Highlights of Changsha Strawberry Music Festival 2014

Changsha Strawberry Music Festival 2015

Changsha Strawberry Music Festival 2015
Changsha Strawberry Music Festival 2015
Faith Yang (TW)
Chinese source: news.changsha.cn


编辑:刁云娇 标签: Changsha Strawberry Music Festival 2015
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