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Miluo Plans to Open Quzi Cultural Park this Year

2015-06-25 15:17:00 来源:湖南省人民政府英文门户网站
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Miluo City has made an exerted effort to build Quzi Cultural Park through encouraging and guiding social capital investment. Presently, over 300 million yuan has been accumulatively invested into the core projects, including restoring Quzi Academy, fixing Quzi Memorial Temple, renovating the embankment of the Han River, environment treatment and tourism supporting facility construction. It is expected to open within this year.

According to Mayor of Miluo City Zhou Jinlong, the park is planned to cover an area of 6.3 square kilometers, consisting of six areas such as the2.5 square kilometers core scenic area, cultural industrial development area, wetland protection area, Quyuan Tomb protection area, dragon boat experiencing area and relaxation and tourism vacation service area.

Instead of maintaining operations by selling admission tickets conventionally, the park will be run with open management idea, emphasizing tourists’ subjectivity and autonomy, and assuring the healthy growth of the park by comprehensively developing services of food, accommodation, transportation, touring, shopping and entertainment.

Please refer to www.enghunan.gov.cn when using the article.

Translator: Hao Jingru

Chinese source: wj001.com

Read more at http://www.enghunan.gov.cn/wwwHome/201506/t20150625_1762966.htm

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