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  Entrepreneurship - minding your own business

William Baumol, who holds positions at both Princeton and New York University, has been laboring for years to come to a better understanding of entrepreneurs - "the leading men of capitalism" - and to "create more space for entrepreneurship and innovation in economic theory", according to the Economist (Mar 9th 2006 edition).
Freedom vs. liberty 2006-03-15

Every once in a while, I get a question I cannot answer off the cuff.

But some questions so good that I don't mind doing research for a worthy reply - not that I want to be held as a paragon of patience, just that I find the extra work edifying and therefore worth my while. If you have an interesting question to ask, send it in. I won't mind going the extra mile in your behalf. In fact if it's interesting enough, I'll be off to work right away no question asked.
A major shift in thinking, perhaps 2006-03-13

This letter comes from Xuesi (in bracket are my comments):

"May I write to you in this free style?

(Yes, you can be forward with me. I won't feel offended. I'm not that kind of boy. Only allow me to be straightforward with you - two can play that game.)....
Habeas Corpus, may the court help us 2006-03-10

As the discernable reader may recognize, "may", "help us" are there only to help it rhyme. I assure you we none of us will land in a habeas corpus situation from chattering about it here.
Take the tip, and leave the advice 2006-03-08
Shoulda, woulda, coulda 2006-03-06
It's in the dictionary - Look it up 2006-03-03
Good look at bad language, continued 2006-03-01
Not to mention Hollywood movies 2006-02-27
Yao's 'out of his mind' - T-Mac 2006-02-24
Happy folks are all in Iceland - what gives? 2006-02-22
Yao Ming plays fourth NBA All-Star Game 2006-02-20
Figure-skating pair gives inspiring performance 2006-02-17
Highbrows, lowbrows and no-brows 2006-02-08
From bill to billboard, geisha to wanted criminals 2006-02-06
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