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Ben Affleck's final frontier

Updated: 2006-05-23 17:03

Ben Affleck has been hotly-tipped to play a captain in the new 'Star Trek' movie.

The handsome actor - a fan of the sci-fi series - would star as the heroic chief of his own spaceship.

Sources say Affleck would be thrilled to win a role in the eleventh 'Star Trek' film, which is being made by 'Mission: Impossible III' director JJ Abrams.

A movie insider is quoted in Britain's News of the World newspaper as saying: "Ben's a real Trekkie so he's pretty excited about it."

Meanwhile, Affleck is revelling in his new role as father to his baby daughter Violet.

The star and wife Jennifer Garner love raising the six-month-old tot - and Ben is smitten with the new arrival.

A friend told America's People magazine: "Ben enjoys playing daddy. He is in love with his little girl."

Another source revealed: "She is just the apple of their eye - beautiful and happy."
