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Spears's poetic attack on Federline

Updated: 2006-05-24 15:40

Spears's poetic attack on Federline

Britney Spears has hinted to fans she is ready to ditch husband Kevin Federline, in a poem posted on her website.

She appears to attack "chains" Federline has placed upon her and the "manipulation" she has suffered for being "naive".

Her words also express her fears Federline will pass his bad behaviour onto their son Sean Preston and the unborn child Spears is expecting.

The poem suggests the singer has regained her confidence - "my crown" - and is ready to take decisive action.

Posted on Britney's site on Saturday, it reads, "No more chains/ That you gave me/ Enough of pain...

"Manipulation is the key/ They screw it in/B ecause you're naive..

"You come to me now/ Why do you bother?/ Remember the bible/ The sins of the father/ What you do/ You pass down/ No wonder why/ I lost my crown.

"You don't see me now/ You ask yourself why my crown is back/ And it's way too high/ For you to be in my presence/ Especially my son/ You should bow down/ I've only just begun..."

The poem was mysteriously removed from within hours of being posted, without explanation.
