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Tom Cruise to take the bullet train

Updated: 2006-06-19 10:46

Tom Cruise to take the bullet train

Someone had better warn him not to jump on the seats.

Tom Cruise is hoping to impress his Japanese audience by chartering an entire 1,300-seater high speed "bullet" train to take 150 fans on a trip from Tokyo to Osaka on Wednesday.

The two-and-a-half hour train ride is part of the publicity campaign for his latest film "Mission: Impossible III," which premieres in Japan next week.

But any repeat of the actor's couch-jumping episode from the television chat show "Oprah" last year would likely irritate the hygiene-conscious Japanese, who are careful to keep their shoes away from upholstery.

Cruise plans to chat with each passenger individually and have photographs taken with them, according to a spokesman for film distributor UIP.

The actor topped Forbes magazine's annual list of powerful celebrities this week, despite criticism of his occasionally eccentric off-screen behavior, including jumping on a couch when telling chat-show host Oprah Winfrey about his girlfriend, Katie Holmes.
