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Romanian film 'Child's Pose' wins Berlin Golden Bear

Updated: 2013-02-17 09:45

Romanian film 'Child's Pose' wins Berlin Golden Bear

Director Danis Tanovic holds the Jury Grand Prix Silver Bear award for the movie "Epizoda u zivotu beraca zeljeza" (An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker) at the 63rd Berlinale International Film Festival in Berlin February 16, 2013. [Photo/Agencies]


Tanovic, an Oscar winner for his 2001 war movie "No Man's Land", read about the story in a local newspaper in 2011 and was so angry at Bosnian society's apparent lack of humanity that he determined to make a film about it.

Romanian film 'Child's Pose' wins Berlin Golden Bear

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Romanian film 'Child's Pose' wins Berlin Golden Bear

 Entertainment photos: Feb 7-15

Romanian film 'Child's Pose' wins Berlin Golden Bear

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"I think he (Mujic) feels like Neil Armstrong when he went to the moon, seriously," Tanovic said of his star. "And I really do hope it is going to change his life for the better."

Arguably the most popular winner at the 63rd Berlin film festival was Paulina Garcia, the Chilean actress whose portrayal in "Gloria" of a 58-year-old divorcee in Santiago was the highlight for many festival-goers and won her best actress.

Refusing to retire quietly into the background, Gloria drinks, smokes, parties and enjoys sex, all the while holding down a full time job and keeping in touch with her children.

The powerful older woman was a constant theme throughout the main competition of 19 films eligible for prizes, and Garcia was up against Gheorghiu and French actresses Catherine Deneuve and Juliette Binoche for the acting Silver Bear.

Best director went to US filmmaker David Gordon Green for his touching road movie "Prince Avalanche", in which Paul Rudd and Emile Hirsch play a pair of misfits who go to work in a remote forest where they embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Iranian entry "Closed Curtain" picked up the best script prize for directors Kamboziya Partovi and Jafar Panahi. Panahi made the movie in secret in defiance of a 20-year filmmaking ban and was not allowed to travel to Berlin to collect his award.

"Tradition and culture remain, politicians come and go," Partovi told reporters after receiving the honor.

Kazakh cinematographer Aziz Zhambakiyev was honored for outstanding artistic achievement for his painterly work on "Harmony Lessons", set on the harsh steppes of Kazakhstan.
