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China Daily Website

  • Microfilms will be coming shortly to a screen near you

    2012-05-21 09:02

    Emerging genre is the new darling of advertisers, but that may change the plot.

  • Big on micro-films

    2012-05-10 17:48

    The first Binhai International Micro-Film Festival has kicked off with the launch of its official website,

  • Grand gala makes a big deal out of micro film trend

    2012-05-03 18:09

    Beijing recently hosted the Micro Film Grand Gala to boost the development of the micro film industry.

  • 'Micro movies' bring dreams, revenue within reach

    2012-04-26 18:09

    Gradually evolving from a niche media into a central part of popular culture in China, "micro movies" are increasingly offering aspiring directors a way to realize their dreams and businesses a new paradigm of profit-making.

  • Youku looks inward for growth in original media

    2012-04-25 18:09

    After last year's surge in copyright fees for films and TV dramas, market participants expect a price fall.

  • Value-added cinema

    2012-03-19 17:54

    A famed auteur has announced plans to dip his toes into the film industry infrastructure and should be applauded for blazing the trail.

  • Massive micro movies

    2012-03-15 17:49

    Online micro films are growing more popular with viewers and advertisers, giving TV shows and feature-length movies a run for their money.
