Eight Beautiful Places for Chinese Blockbusting movies

Updated: 2007-05-30 09:56

Warriors of Heaven and Earth-Xinjiang

Eight Beautiful Places for Chinese Blockbusting movies

Eight Beautiful Places for Chinese Blockbusting movies

Eight Beautiful Places for Chinese Blockbusting movies

Eight Beautiful Places for Chinese Blockbusting movies



Some people said, Zhang Yimou 's "Hero" definitely was a propaganda film for Chinese scenery. Actually, "Warriors of Heaven and Earth " (Tian Di Ying Xiong)" also was a publicity advertisement for Xinjiang's beautiful mountains and water.

Set in the ferocious Gobi Desert, the film told people a very interesting story.

Xinjiang is well known for its wide expanse and rich natural resources along with its wonderful scenic spots and enchanting spectacles of nature. Many "mosts" of China are found in Xinjiang -- the driest, hottest, and coldest places, and China's longest inland river, lowest land and greatest deserts.

Historical and cultural tourism in Xinjiang has unique charm. The Silk Road, which runs across Xinjiang, is known to the whole world. Xinjiang is endowed with 236 ancient cultural sites, tombs, architecture, Buddhist caves, stone sculptures, and modern commemorative monuments of historical, artistic, and scientific value. Within the territory of Xinjiang, there are a number of ancient city ruins such as Gaochang Ancient City, City Site in State of Loulan, and the Site of Niya . The region has established 22 nature reserves.

Vast in area, Xinjiang has various types of geographical conditions and multitude of regional and ethical cultures. Its scenic spots and historical sites include the Heavenly Lake of Tianshan Mountain, the Flaming Mountains of Turpan , and the Mosque in Kaxi, among others.

Xinjiang is also a region inhabited by many minority groups in China, and its people are known far and wide for being excellent at singing and dancing.

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