2014巴西世界杯 > 精选双语球评



2014-06-11 14:34:10






If you want to know why Argentina hate England so much, forget the Falklands; blame Alexander Watson Hutton. Commonly regarded as the father of Argentine football, Hutton formed the Argentine Association Football League, the first recognised football league outside Europe. Thing is, for most of its first decade, it was just for the British. Locals were forced to watch enviously from the sidelines, and thus began Argentina’s uneasy relationship with football’s mother country. Or as former national team captain Roberto Perfumo once put it: “Winning against England is like school-kids beating the teachers.” And Diego Maradona’s dance through the England defence in 1986 is the ultimate playground goal: sheer pubescent audacity from start to finish. For one thing, he begins with his back to goal. His head is constantly raised, looking for Jorge Valdano, but unable to find room for the pass. So he simply powers on himself; past Terry Fenwick, past Peter Shilton, and then holding off Terry Butcher as he tucks the ball in. For Argentinians everywhere, pure joy: not just at the goal, but at the decades of resentment it unlocked: from the Belgrano to Antonio Rattin to Alexander Watson Hutton. Who – irony of ironies – was Scottish.


如果你想知道为什么阿根廷这么恨英格兰的话,别管福克兰群岛,要怪就怪亚历山大·沃森·赫顿(Alexander Watson Hutton)吧!作为阿根廷足球队公认的国父级人物,赫顿组建了欧洲外的首个被认可的足球联合会“阿根廷足球协会联盟”(the Argentine Association Football League)。问题是,在它的前10年的大部分时间里,它是仅为英格兰服务的。当地人则只能被迫在一旁羡慕不已,从而引发了阿根廷和足球发源地英国的紧张关系。后者就像是阿根廷前国家队队长罗伯特·柏福莫(Roberto Perfumo)有一次说的那样:“踢球赢了英格兰,感觉就像学校的学生打了老师一样。”而迪亚哥·马拉多纳(Diego Maradona)在1986年世界杯绿茵场上打穿英格兰队防线的表现才是他们最终的球场目标:从开始到结束,纯粹的无畏精神。开始时,他背对球门。但他时不时地抬头张望,在找乔治·巴尔达诺(Jorge Valdano),却一直没机会给他传球。因此,他只能单枪匹马的往前冲;避开泰利·芬维克(Terry Fenwick),躲过皮特·谢尔顿(Peter Shilton),最后直接跳过特里·布切尔(Terry Butcher)进球。此时的阿根廷,到处都是庆祝的声音,不仅是因为这个进球,还有这几十年来的怨恨的释放:从贝尔格拉诺到安东尼·奥拉汀(Antonio Rattin)再到亚历山大·沃森·赫顿——具有讽刺意思的是,他一个苏格兰人。

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