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Bottoms up! A healthy wine market

By Zhou Siyu | China Daily | Updated: 2012-12-03 13:49

In 2011, French wine export volumes to China surged to more than three-and-a-half times that of Australia, its nearest runner-up, according to the Rabobank report. Most of the wine came from the Bordeaux region.

During the same year, bottled wine imports into China jumped by 65 percent from the previous year to 241 million liters, the strongest growth since the global financial recession in 2007-08, according to the report.

A significant increase was seen in the country's wine supply over the past seven years. It surged from fewer than 400 million liters in 2004 to 1.4 billion liters in 2011, according to the report.

China's strong growth, huge potential and the ability to devour a large amount of premium wine attracted newcomers such as Argentina and Brazil. This has led to intense competition among wine suppliers.

To further consolidate its position in the Chinese market, CIVB plans to roll out a digital commercial campaign in the country, targeting the young generation of wine lovers by means of e-commerce, such as micro blogs and social network sites. The Bordeaux mobile application running on portable gadgets is an example.

It also set out to further promote its wines to third- and even fourth-tier Chinese cities.

Jullien said he is "completely confident" about the continued future development of China's wine market. And it, perhaps, would just begin with a touch on the screen.


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