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The 'gentleman' of Chinese teas

By Ye Jun | China Daily | Updated: 2016-05-07 08:35

The 'gentleman' of Chinese teas

Picking Longjing tea at Meijiawu in Hangzhou. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Some frequent Chinese tea drinkers like to refer to Longjing (Dragon Well) as the "gentleman" of Chinese teas. The tea produced in middle Zhejiang is known for a green and slightly yellow color, rich orchid and chestnut aroma, as well as a sweet aftertaste and a neat appearance.

The appellation also probably comes because the tea has a long history. On almost every authoritative top 10 famous Chinese teas listings, Longjing rises to the top. In 2008, the roasting production technique of West Lake Longjing tea was listed as a Chinese national-level intangible cultural heritage. A mouthful of the tea is comforting to both the taste buds and body.

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