Highlights for Paper


Buzzword: Man flu  2014-01-03 15:04:52

When a man suffers from a minor illness, typically a cold, but complains of severe symptoms, such as severe pain and nausea, they are said to be suffering from man flu. Lots of men tend to exaggerate their symptoms when they have a minor illness.

Bilingual: News is bad for you – and giving up reading it will make you happier  2014-01-02 14:53:38

In the past few decades, the fortunate among us have recognised the hazards of living with an overabundance of food (obesity, diabetes) and have started to change our diets. But most of us do not yet understand that news is to the mind what sugar is to the body. News is easy to digest. The media feeds us small bites of trivial matter, tidbits that don't really concern our lives and don't require thinking. That's why we experience almost no saturation. Unlike reading books and long magazine articles (which require thinking), we can swallow limitless quantities of news flashes, which are bright-coloured candies for the mind.Today, we have reached the same point in relation to information that we faced 20 years ago in regard to food. We are beginning to recognise how toxic news can be.

Buzzword: No-motion  2014-01-02 14:53:38

No-motion refers to a promotion without a raise or bonus.During the recession of 2009, employers have embarked on a new trend of giving promotions to employees (e.g. by adding more responsibility to their current position or new job title) but not giving the employee any monetary compensation for it (e.g. no raise, no bonus).

New technology in housing building  2013-12-30 16:44:34

How to make houses waterproof and fireproof? It is a hard question for experts in the construction industry. After working on this matter for years, Bao Yunyuan, chairman of Jiangsu Yinshan Industrial Group Company, finally got some answers.

Bilingual: Facebook 'dead and buried to teens', research finds  2013-12-30 15:01:40

Facebook is 'dead and buried' to older teenagers, an extensive European study has found, as the key age group moves on to Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and Snapchat. Researching the Facebook use of 16-18 year olds in eight EU countries, the Global Social Media Impact Study found that as parents and older users saturate Facebook, its younger users are shifting to alternative platforms.

Buzzword: Kobe Special  2013-12-30 15:01:40

Kobe Special is a large gift a man gives to his wife to appease her after he's had an affair. After sleeping with another woman, Kobe Bryant bought his wife a ring that cost as much as a large house.

Bilingual: Impulsive personality linked to food addiction  2013-12-27 15:04:37

People with an impulsive personality may be more likely to have a food addiction, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Georgia. The study found that people exhibiting impulsive behavior weren’t necessarily overweight, but impulsivity was linked to a compulsive relationship with food and, as a result, less healthy weight.

Buzzword: Christmas tight  2013-12-27 15:04:37

The period of time after Christmas and New Years where the clothes you wore prior to the holidays that fit well, all of a sudden are a little tighter than they should be, which is called “Christmas tight”.

Bilingual: Moms who cut back at work are happier  2013-12-26 14:26:07

Two facts are often obscured in the public conversation devoted to women, work, and family. First, the vast majority of married mothers don’t want to work full-time. Second, married mothers who are able to cut back at work to accommodate their family’s needs tend to be happier.

Buzzword: Postsantum depression  2013-12-26 14:26:07

Postsantum depression refers to the incredible letdown some folks experience when they realize Christmas is over. It occurs typically on the first day back to office after holidays.

Buzzword: Bed gravity  2013-12-25 14:51:49

Buzzowrd: Gift creep  2013-12-24 15:00:17

Buzzword: Motherism  2013-12-23 15:02:20

Buzzword: Sleepy Bear Syndrome  2013-12-20 15:03:55

Buzzword: Text-killer  2013-12-18 15:16:31

Buzzowrd: Phubbing  2013-12-17 17:04:51

Buzzword: Fast food opinion  2013-12-13 14:58:23

THE WEEK Dec 13: Just did it  2013-12-13 13:41:19

Structural reform in times of change  2013-12-13 09:40:50

Buzzword: Flipped classroom  2013-12-12 15:12:09

Buzzword: Impression management  2013-12-11 15:06:34

Buzzword: Eye broccoli  2013-12-10 15:05:03

Bilingual: New candy fights cavities  2013-12-09 15:05:31

Buzzword: Zenware  2013-12-09 15:05:31

Buzzword: Mompetition  2013-12-06 15:02:29

Thailand: safe for tourism  2013-12-05 19:21:17