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China Daily Website

  • Guizhou city tests flexible work schedule

    2017-11-07 10:56

    The local government in Guizhou province plans to have some of its employees work on a more flexible schedule, according to a notice released on its official website.

  • Cave-dwelling agrarian society discovered

    2017-11-07 09:33

    Chinese archaeologists have found a large amount of carbonized rice grains in caves dating from the New Stone Age, challenging the conventional view that cave dwellers were solely hunter gathers and did not cultivate land for food.

  • Report signals more openness

    2017-11-07 08:26

    Decoding Xi's report to CPC congress: Opening-up

  • Twenty-eight counties lifted out of poverty

    2017-11-07 09:20

    Twenty-six poor counties have got rid of the poverty label following the removal of Jinggangshan, East China’s Jiangxi province, and Lankao, Central China’s Henan province, from the poverty list in February.

  • Museum shows infinite range of Guan Shanyue

    2017-11-07 07:31

    The National Museum of China is holding an exhibition, Infinite Ranges of Mountains, which traces artist Guan Shanyue's evolution from a young talent in the 1930s to being a pathbreaker.

  • Marathon effort from wheelchair racers in NY

    2017-11-07 07:26

    Four Chinese wheelchair racers were invited to compete in the 2017 New York City Marathon on Sunday, and two of them finished the course for the first time in history.

  • China-US trade deal remains a possibility

    2017-11-07 07:17

    Despite US President Donald Trump's lambasting of a variety of trade deals, experts believe that a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) between China and the United States could still be concluded in the coming years.

  • JD Finance launches its own cloud platform

    2017-11-07 07:20

    JD Finance, the financial subsidiary of China's second biggest e-commerce player Inc, launched an enterprise-level cloud services platform on Monday, by leveraging its big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence to better serve financial institutions.

  • Golf: China's ancient game?

    2017-11-06 09:48

    With the fairway beckoning, you tee up, take a practice swing and prepare to indulge in that classic Scottish game: golf. But does it really originate from there?

  • Hots and nots for national civil servants exam

    2017-11-06 16:24

    Registration for the 2018 national civil servant exam, or guokao, is in full swing. Statistics show that there is a polarizing trend in applicants' choice for positions.

  • Beijing festival showcases traditional arts

    2017-11-06 09:11

    Performers of shadow play, Peking Opera and acrobatics are displaying their skills at the Traditional Culture & Arts Week in Beijing.

  • Olympic ambitions for winter sports

    2017-11-06 08:01

    If it were not for the spectators chanting in Chinese, the intense scene at the skating rink at Beijing's Joy City shopping mall on Oct 28 could easily have been at an ice hockey game in North America.
