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Special Speed News VOA慢速


Words and Their Stories: Money Talks

2013-06-17 15:40
People often say that money talks. They mean that a person with a lot of money can say how he or she wants things done.

We Visit An Automobile Show in China

2013-06-17 15:40
Today on the program, we go to an automobile show in China, a country where car sales have risen 13 percent from a year ago…

Words and Their Stories - Proverbs Tell How to Succeed in Life

2013-06-08 13:34
Many listeners have sent us their favorite proverbs. They give advice about how to live.

Chinese Graduates Face Tight Job Market as Economy Slows

2013-06-08 13:34
China will have a record number of graduates moving into the job market this summer.

Listeners Tell Their Favorite Proverbs

2013-05-27 14:02
The top proverb among these listeners is this one: "Where there is a will, there is a way."

International Survey Shows Habits of Happy Couples

2013-05-27 14:02
I have a question for those of you in a relationship. How "normal" are you and your partner as a couple?

Activists, News Media Examine Reporting of Rape

2013-05-15 15:12
Activists and news reporters are questioning how media around the world report rape and other sexual abuse.

Scientific and Engineering Skills Lead to Inventions that Save Lives

2013-05-15 15:12
Today Shirley Griffith and Bob Doughty tell about two recent inventions that have helped to save lives.

Boston Tries to Keep Visitors Coming to the City

2013-05-14 09:43
Three people died and more than 260 people were hurt at the Boston Marathon bombings.

Three Women Freed After Years in Captivity

2013-05-14 09:43
American police are praising the bravery of three women who were found alive this week after 10 years of captivity.

Words & Stories: Rocket Scientists Enjoy a Good Reputation

2013-05-13 14:37
Workers in an office are afraid to try to use their new computer system. Their employer tells them not to be foolish.

Bollywood Turns 100

2013-05-13 14:37
And if you are a woman in western India, you might get a very unusual gift this year. More iron in your diet!

Air Pollution Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Disease

2013-05-10 14:07
Today on As It Is, we talk about cardiovascular disease: what some new studies are showing, and ways to reduce your risk.

An Unusual Instrument for Sale at the Smithsonian Craft Show

2013-05-10 14:07
Today we play songs from a long-awaited album from the band Phoenix. We also tell about a way to unload unwanted clothing and still have something to wear.

NASA Looks at Earth

2013-05-09 10:21
Under normal conditions, NASA, the United States Space Agency, looks out there for new information about our universe.

Death Valley Is Beautiful but Dangerous

2013-05-09 10:21
Today we visit one of America’s great national parks. It is a place of strange and silent beauty.

Millions of Americans Suffer From Hair Loss

2013-05-07 11:24
Today we talk about hair. We will tell what hair is, how it grows, and some of the main reasons people lose it.

Words and Stories: Medical Terms

2013-05-07 10:52
But there are also expressions we use every day to tell about a person's health. Let me explain.

WHO says the H7N9 Bird Flu Virus is Unusually Dangerous

2013-05-02 14:47
A World Health Organization official says a new strain of avian influenza is unusually dangerous for people.

Space Flights Can Harm Astronauts' Health

2013-05-02 14:47
But first, new dangers have been discovered for those who choose to face the “final frontier.”

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