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Special Speed News VOA慢速


Ethiopia permits mobile banking and money services

2012-11-21 10:00
Ethiopia is one of the last countries in Africa to permit mobile banking.

Defense Department investigates top American Commander in Afghanistan

2012-11-21 10:00
Jill Kelley is known for her high-level social ties to MacDill Air Force Base, which is the home of the American Central Command.

Could waste plastic reduce our need for oil?

2012-11-20 10:37
The United States Environmental Protection Agency says only seven percent of plastic waste in the United States is recycled each year.

Virginia Museum show features glass art pioneer

2012-11-20 10:37
Dale Chihuly says he knew he wanted to be an artist from the time he blew his first glass bubble.

Words and their stories: state nicknames, part 1

2012-11-19 09:30
America's fifty states have some of the most historically interesting nicknames.

New medical tape reduces pain for newborns, older adults

2012-11-19 09:30
Removing medical tape can be painful. It also may damage the skin of newborn babies. Doctor Karp says this is one of the biggest problems facing hospitals.

Experts work to develop better tools to predict severe weather

2012-11-16 10:14
Scientists and weather experts have launched a similar effort in the Philippines. It is called Project NOAH.

Gold seekers once rushed to Canada’s northwest

2012-11-16 10:04
Today we begin the first of two programs about the discovery of gold.

Number of international students continues rising

2012-11-15 11:05
A new report says more and more international students are attending colleges and universities in the United States.

Improving 'feed efficiency' in cattle

2012-11-15 11:05
In the United States, the cost of hay, grains and other feed has risen sharply because of a drought.

Power still out for many in New York city

2012-11-14 10:40
Last week, another storm brought more high winds and dropped snow on the already troubled New York City area.

Relations between Britain and its American colonies

2012-11-14 10:35
This week in our series, we tell about relations between the American colonies and Britain after the French and Indian War about 250 years ago.

Is eating like our ancestors good for us?

2012-11-13 09:33
Today we tell about evidence that early humans were meat-eaters much earlier than scientists have thought.

Medical students help the homeless

2012-11-13 09:33
Once a week, medical students from UCLA, the University of California, Los Angeles, work with poor and homeless people in Hollywood.

President Obama wins second term

2012-11-12 10:57
The president won re-election with the same coalition of voters he had in 2008: women, ethnic minorities and young people.

Words and their stories: top brass

2012-11-12 10:57
American workers often call their employers bosses. The word boss comes from the Dutch word, baas, meaning master.

Puberty lessons for African girls may raise attendance

2012-11-09 09:47
A new study shows that simple, low-cost interventions can help teenage girls in Africa stay in school during their monthly periods.

DC dinosaur hunter; New family movies

2012-11-09 09:47
Most people who live and work near Washington, DC, would have trouble imagining dinosaurs walking around the area.

Russian Prime Minister calls for ban on smoking in public

2012-11-08 10:54
Hundreds of thousands of Russians die every year from diseases linked to smoking. The country has one of the highest smoking rates in the world.

The business of learning mandarin

2012-11-08 10:54
An increasing number of American companies are having their workers learn Mandarin.

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