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A new image

Updated: 2009-10-31 14:31
By Chen Nan (China Daily)

More than 100 photographs by Zhao Hui show off the country's people, culture and diversity. 

As a principal photographer at China National Tourism Administration, Zhao traveled the country beginning in 1996 for three years to complete the project, China Story. The focus is on ordinary people living in cities as well as rural areas. Old traditions such as Peking Opera, kungfu, and ethnic groups portray the country and capture the people's emotions.A new image

Born in Zhenjiang of Jiangsu province, Zhao made his move to New York in 1987 and became a successful commercial photographer. In search of his roots, Zhao returned to China.

"After 12 years in the United States I have my own vision of China - not a Western one. I want people to know that I see a beautiful China with an important future," he says.

Until Nov 15. Jiacheng Plaza, Xiaguanli, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang district. 东三环北路霞光里18号
