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Brush with greatness

Updated: 2013-09-08 07:34
By Yang Feiyue ( China Daily)

Brush with greatness

Li's poetry about summer.

The strokes of Li's calligraphy perfectly blend with the content of his poetry, which reflects well on his vast learning and perfectly defines a cultural atmosphere, said Sun.

When the 81-year-old calligrapher showed up at the exhibition, introducing the background and details of his creations in his booming voice, everyone was absorbed, Sun recalls.

Li also has profound attainment in classic poetry. His verses are brisk, like a breath of fresh air, with every single word a reflection of the light of his wisdom, said Sun.

His works are filled with love and compliments to China's magnificent landscapes, as well as to the social community and life, Sun added.

"His poetry is filled with revolutionary heroism and romantic color, and reading them broadens my outlook," said Sun.

"We have to look at Li's poetry when studying his calligraphy, which will give us a clear view of the trajectory of his artistic development," said Sun.

His 377-word Long Live the Motherland depicts a senior Party member's patriotism and dedication to his country, said Sun.

Since 2011, Li has been very responsive to the Chinese government's campaign to get in touch with grassroots people, and improve work ethics and writing. He went to classrooms, rural areas and military bases to talk with students, farmers and soldiers and to share his work and enrich their cultural activities.

A collection of his poetry Qinghuaiyincao that came out in the summer attracted wide attention from other poets and calligraphers.

The compendium published 263 of more than his 500 works created from 1973 to 2012 and covers his military life.

His poetry gives full expression to his love of China, his interest in the country's grand landscapes and his refined cultural temperament.


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